Σάββατο 14 Ιουλίου 2007

H Βραζιλία είναι εδώ

Την ευκαιρία να υπερασπιστεί το στέμμα της (πάει για το 5ο συνεχόμενο) θα έχει η Βραζιλία στο Κατοβίτσε της Πολωνίας στο πλαίσιο του φάιναλ-6 του World League ανδρών. Η "σελεσάο" αν και κόντρα στη Ρωσία έπαιζε με την πλάτη στον τοίχο, πήρε τη νίκη με 3-1 σετ και μαζί το εισιτήριο για τα ημιτελικά της διοργάνωσης. Κορυφαίοι για το συγκρότημα του Μπεναρντίνιο οι Ντάντε και Μουρίλο, που έδωσαν το σύνθημα της αντεπίθεσης, όταν και βρέθηκαν πίσω με 0-1 σετ.

Η Ρωσία πήρε την πρώτη θέση του Β΄ ομίλου και θα αντιμετωπίσει στα ημιτελικά τη δεύτερη του Α΄ ομίλου (Πολωνία ή ΗΠΑ), ενώ η Βραζιλία ως δεύτερη θα παίξει με τον πρώτο του άλλου γκρουπ.

Τα σετ: 22-25, 25-23, 25-20, 26-24
Press Conference
Russia lost the match but still leads in the pool. Brazil used its last chance and comes second. Now they both wait for the result of today’s Poland vs. USA match, which will sort out all doubts about who plays who in the semifinals.

Vadim Khamuttskikh (Team Captain, Russia): This result is a partial victory – we won the pool but lost the match. I think that the whole team is as pleased with this situation, as I am. We made some serious mistakes in the second and third set but we’ll improve in the next matches. We have no preference about whom to play in the semifinals. We’ll fight any team that comes along.

Ricardo Garcia (Team Captain, Brazil): I think that the biggest difference between this match and the last one was in our attitude and determination, not technique. We still made mistakes. If you want to win in the finals, you have to play even better than we did today.

Vladimir Alekno (Head Coach, Russia): We’re of course happy with the overall result but our game today was not satisfying. We let ourselves make too many unforced errors.

Bernardo Rezende (Head Coach, Brazil): We feel a relief that we survived and we’re in the semifinals. I wanted to play here once again, because Katowice are a wonderful place for us. Today we had 12 good blocks agaist Russias 7 – that’s an important number. We still made too much errors and we have to use this though match as an opportunity to prepare for semifinals. Giba was playing badly today. He had long holidays after his amazing last year and then he had a very short preparation time. I hope he’ll get better soon.

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