Δευτέρα 14 Ιανουαρίου 2008

Italian Volleyball News

Italian Volleyball News
Shivering Bassano-Spoleto! At 20.30 on Snai Sat the S.Croce-Isernia deferement
Serie A2 TIM will go on court on sunday for the second leg's 2nd round. At 18.00, important matches for the high part of the standings: Loreto-Verona e Crema-Taviano. Not to be missed is Bassano hosting Spoleto (Serafim in the picture) for the most important challenge of the round in the hot spot. Three top formations will host teams after precious points towards safety. Vibo Valentia with Cagliari, Forli with Avellino and Catania with Pineto. Castellana Grotte will visit Mantova. all the matches will be broadcasted live on legavolley.it with "Volley Time Web"'s 8th appointment. At 20.30 the programme will be closed by the Santa Croce-Isernia TV deferement live on Snai Sat (CH 220).

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